All Hail King Biden!

Oh oh. 

The Orange Madman's plot to plant 3 pet judges in the supreme (?) court has worked.

I think I found a silver lining, however.

  • 1. Joe Biden is now King Biden! The supreme (?) court ruling refers to a president NOT an Orange Menace.
  • 2. We have a King now. We don't need a presidential election any more.

    No "presidential" election in November!

    The Orange Menace can be retired to GITMO where he may finally Rest In Peace.

    When King Biden has fixed all the broken parts of our government, and says we go back to electing a president,  THEN we go back to presidential elections.
  • 3. The Orange Menace did not have immunity back when he committed all his heinous crimes. Therefore he must immediately stand trial for ALL his crimes and be imprisoned for each offense. The only person who has total immunity now is King Biden.

    With his new power as the King of The United States, King Biden must now FORCE the guilty to stand trial AT ONCE—starting TODAY! Forget the lawyers! Impose your new Kingly Power.
  • 4. King Biden, of course, now has complete immunity. He can, for example, direct the military to track down and eliminate all persons who have broken their Oath Of Office or committed crimes agains our democracy and the Constitution. Crimes like 

  • cheating on his wife with an adult movie star while his wife was having his baby
  • raping a woman in a department store
  • causing the death of security guards at the congress buildings. 
  • commanding an insurrection that killed 8 people 
  • lying to the American people more than 18,000 times
  • spying! stealing and hiding top secret documents and then trying to hide the theft from the FBI using cohorts 
  • calling Covid “Kung Flu” and delaying a response until tens of thousands of people died

King Biden can have people who have violated the US jailed on his say-so. 

He can do exactly what the Orange Menace was planning to do!

Dear King Biden,

Here's my Wish List

  • Imprison the Orange Menace. Let him attend the trials for his many crimes from his jail cell. No visitors! No phone! No Internet! He needs peace and quiet to contemplate all the damage he has done.
  • By Royal Decree terminate the supreme (?) court. They have gone completely ROGUE. They are no longer helping—they are HARMING.
  • By Royal Decree you should change the term of the presidency to lifetime. That's what the Orange Menace was going to do! You should, therefore, do this.
  • By Royal Decree eliminate the Contingent Election. ENOUGH of living in fear that an election LOSER will be put into the White House by the antique contingent election doctrine that is still a part of the original Constitution.
  • By Royal Decree eliminate the antiquated Electoral College! When the King decides that it's time for a new king, the popular vote ONLY will decide which new King our country wants to be put in power.



All hail King Biden!

All hail King Biden!

Long Live King Biden!