Jail Trump Now

Jail Trump!
Jail Trump NOW!

I’ve been wondering what is taking so long to put Trump away into a padded cell. The legal system seems to be catching up with him. His BS is no longer being allowed in court. He has committed so many crimes, it’s hard to tell which ones he should go to jail for first ! Trump in solitary, no phone. no visitors, and no possibility of parole. That’s what I want.



we read:

. . . in order to obtain loans at favorable rates and then deflated these same properties to claim tax breaks.

If I were the judge assigned to the long, long, long list of crimes committed by Trump, I would sentence him as follows.

1 year for each American he killed by claiming Covid was only “Kung Flu” and doing nothing about stopping the Covid Onslaught.

Sentence: 562,442 years of solitary confinement, no cell phone, no visitors, no parole. 

So long, goodbye, farewell.

Remember the Lincoln Project? 

God bless ‘em.

There’s Mourning In America

Trump’s Best Words

Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger
The Pilot of US Airways Flight 1549
Who Safely Landed On The Hudson River

It’s Time To Make American Great Again
It’s Time to Shoot Baby Bears

Sara Cooper “Doing” Trump

By All Means
Let’s Not Forget Trump’s Folly.

we read

A Section Of The Incomplete Trump Border Wall
In South Texas Cost US Taxpayers $27 Million a Mile . . .

. . . Defeated By $5 Ladders

Trump Death Clock


Estimated U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Due To POTUS Inaction

In January 2020, the Trump administration was advised that immediate action was required to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of pushback” to this advice. President Trump declined to act until March 16th. Experts estimate that, had mitigation measures been implemented one week earlier, 60% of American COVID-19 deaths would have been avoided.

And finally . . .
Samantha Bee
Disproving yet another
Big Trump LIE
“My wall can’t be climbed.”

Years from now, when we look back at the idiot and maniac that dumbed-down Americans put into the White House, we will wonder why we elected such a defective human being to take on such an important role

Consider that The Donald:

  • killed hundreds of thousands of people
  • committed treason by stealing and using top secret government documents
  • commanded an insurrection that damaged the congress building, killed 8 people and caused many injuries and suicides
  • can’t speak properly
  • can’t walk properly
  • abuses women and brags about it
  • had affairs with Russian hookers
  • had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels
  • can’t read English
  • can’t write English

Remember all those tweets? Trump had to have secretaries write them because he is illiterate.

I wonder what a psychiatrist and handwriting expert would make of this sample of Trump’s “writing.”

The January 6 Commission missed an error. Trump wrote “was” twice! Trump actually wrote, “ . . . the election was was corrupt . . .”
