This is Mother Earth speaking. OK. Let me get this straight.
- 1. You wage war on each other
- 2. You learned about the atom and then exploded 528 atom bombs in my atmosphere and set off another 1,500 atom bombs under my skin
- 3. You use fossil fuels even though you know that it poisons my air with CO2, burned off the ozone layer I made to shelter you from the harmful radiation from the Sun and has caused a deadly climate disaster.
- 4. You are melting my polar ice and causing my oceans to rise up which will drown your coastal cities.
- 5. Your Big Oil billionaires told you a horrible lie: that plastic made from gas and oil is recyclable. Plastic is NOT recyclable and is choking my land and my oceans.
- 6. To try to fight all the damage caused by fossil fuels, you spray chemtrail poison powders high up in my atmosphere which is killing my lakes, rivers and oceans. The poison powders dry out my trees so much that they become like flame throwers. My beautiful ancient forests are all burning down.
- 7. You dump deadly poison in my seas, like tons of DDT on the sea floor right off Catalina Island, a place of great beauty that I made for you to enjoy
- 8. A poison called glyphosate is now found in every human because you spray it on your food crops.
- 9. You feed dead cows to living cows turning their brains into sponge right along with the brains of humans who eat their meat and get mad cow disease. What’s next? Feeding dead humans to living humans to cause mad human disease?
- 10. You are putting PFAS into my water which will cause my human race to become extinct.
Let’s see . . . what would the proper punishment be for the one species of life on Earth that is destroying me? Maybe I’ll just let PFAS eliminate the infestation of human beings for me. It will take 1,000 years for me to recover from the harm humans have done. Maybe then in the year 3022 I can finally say, “I’m all better. I am well again.”