Here’s a whole new way for thieves to perform breaking & entering inside the No Constitution Zone that the feds dreamed up. This monstrous idea says, “You have no rights at all if you are located within 100 miles of any US border.
Just like the other federal agencies (like the non-English-speaking people who run the IRS!) no vote is taken and no approval is requested from congress. The feds just make a horrible new rule, put it into action, then wait to see if anyone raises an objection.
What was congress doing on the day they learned about the horrible No Constitution Zone? Playing cards? Scrapbooking? Playing golf?
Because of the absurd No Constitution Zone, the people of Tucson have NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AT ALL!
In Zone cities like Tucson,
thieves can now use the police
to perform any crime for them
because the citizens have NO RIGHTS.
Here’s how The New Normal Breaking And Entering is done
inside a No Constitution Zone.
- 1. An alert member of the gang gets wind of the fact that a nearby homeowner is out of town for an extended period.
- 2. Several gang members call the police repeatedly to report that someone has died in the home. They use untraceable throw-away phones as is taught nightly on TV shows like Blue Blood and The Closer. They “report” that someone may have died at the home.
- 3. Not having the locksmith training they needed to do their job properly, the police BROKE DOWN the expensive front door, wrecking it. They searched the home and found nothing. Because they ruined the front door, it could no longer be locked so the police brought a thin sheet of plywood and nailed this into the doorway. The plywood acted like a giant signal flare to any passing thieves that this house is not occupied and ready for burglarizing. The police also ruined a window screen trying to break into the home through a window.
Unidentified callers phoned the police.
No judge.
No search warrant.
No supervision.
No follow-up protective visits for the wide-open home.
They can search you and search your car without any limit on their behavior.
- 4. A night or two later, the gang quietly visits the home armed only with a tiny “claw” hammer (to remove the nails holding the plywood) and burglarizes the home. They steal all the valuables belonging to the absent homeowner and leave. To “cover their tracks,” the burglars use their tiny hammer and tap a few nails back into the plywood.
- • Yep. Welcome to the unlawful and unconstitutional No Constitution Zone!
A part of The New Normal where police can perform any crime they want because “they” have taken away ALL your constitutional rights!
- • The freedom to keep and bear arms? Gone!
- • The freedom to prevent officials from taking over your home? Gone!
- • The freedom from unreasonable search and seizure? Gone!
- • The freedom to keep rights that are not specifically stated in the Constitution? Gone!
- • The freedom that prevents the feds from inventing new rights for themselves that are NOT granted in the Constitution (the freedom from tyranny). Gone!
Now, police ASSIST criminals and they do so entirely for free.