Ronald Reagan And The Great Social Security Heist


We fought the Revolutionary War (the war of 1776) to rid ourselves of the evil central Bank Of England. Then, much later, in 1912 US bankers gave Woodrow Wilson’s campaign so much money that they won him the election. The secret bargain the bankers made with Woodrow was that in return for making him president, Woodrow would sign the banker’s Federal Reserve Act into law. 

It’s a little like the promotion of a criminal, a serial rapist and a female mormon religious slave to the supreme (?) court to rule over normal people. These three people got to be “supremes” by agreeing to a secret bargain. The bargain dictated that they would kill Roe v. Wade. Sure enough, they killed Roe v. Wade which reduced human women to the role of farm animals again—breeding stock.

Lawmakers still capable of critical thinking do NOT force  female humans to have abortions against their will. Neither should they force female humans to bear children against their will.

Returning to the social “security” story . . .

One Christmas, when most of congress was out on holiday, they “passed” the Federal Reserve Act and had Woodrow sign it into law. The secret bargain between the bankers and Wilson was complete.

After fighting a war to get rid of England’s central bank, the greedy bankers hid away on J.P. Morgan’s private Jeckyl Island and created a central bank INSIDE the US!  

“The Fed” is a money-making machine
by and for rich people
that could never be shut down.


Then came disgraced president Nixon who tore the US off the Gold Standard. This made US money totally worthless. Other countries are starting to declare our money invalid. They’re right. Our money is not worth the blank paper it is printed on.


Next huge trucks showed up at Fort Knox night after night after night after night to remove all the gold. There used to be several web pages describing this. Local reporters watched as, night after night, heavily-guarded trucks showed up empty at Fort Knox and drove away with a heavy load of gold. All these web pages have since been banned by the feds who desperately try to continue hiding their awful secret.


The other page that described eye-witness accounts of large empty trucks pulling up to Fort Knox night after night and then driving away heavily laden WAS ERASED by the feds to keep their secret theft a secret.

Also Banned

If this plot were made into a TV situation comedy,
the audience would not believe it.


Then along came Reagan who used a plan suggested by Alan Greenspan (back then, head of the private and illegal company called “the fed”) to give himself access to the Social Security funds that belong to the American people. Reagan harangued congress loud and hard until they changed the law for him—giving Reagan access to the money that belonged to Americans. 

Reagan stole the American’s social security money and used it to buy tanks, planes, guns and bombs—just like all the other corrupt regimes in the world.


Our “economy” is entirely based on
fake money, liars and their lies.
Our government is now run by evil rich people.
What a story of greed and corruption!
What a national tragedy!

In the Good Old Days, the rancher buying the real estate would pull up to the seller’s place with a wagon carrying enough gold to cover the selling price. The two ranchers would shake hands. The deal was done. Real gold for real estate.

Back in those days you could buy a Colt .45 pistol for a $20 gold piece. The colt is now priced at $800. The gold piece is now worth $800 too. So 


Excerpts from

The US Social Security system has two funds.

Social Security deductions from paychecks used to flow into the Social Security Trust Fund which contained rock-solid government securities. This fund could NOT be touched by the US government. The Social Security General fund was in dollars and also could not be touched by the US Government.

How many dollars should there be in the Social Security system today?

Way more than 2.5 Trillion Dollars. $2,500,000,000,000

How many dollars actually are in the General Fund today? $0

How many dollars actually are in the Trust Fund today? $0

did all the retirement money
belonging to We The People
of the United States

I keep hoping that presidential candidates will blow the whistle by telling the American people what really happened. The candidates never do. 

Why does the Social Security Trust Fund have zero dollars in it? Who stole all the money that is collected from American paychecks week after week after week? Why does the Social Security General Fund also have zero dollars in it?

Alan Greenspan was head of the private company known as “the fed” that the corrupt members of congress gave the power to:

Greenspan said, “Look. I know the government is broke. I know you don’t want to raise taxes. I figured out a way that you can have LOTS of money to spend, that seems to come from nowhere. You just have to keep what I’m going to tell you a total secret from the American people.”

Reagan said, “OK! What do I have to do?”

Greenspan then told him 

Reagan harangued congress for months to get them to change the two Social Security laws and then proceeded to spend EVERY DOLLAR of the Social Security General Fund EVERY YEAR he was in office.

Reagan mused that “some future president” would repay the money he stole from the American people to prop up his failed regime. The presidents all kept Greenspan’s secret. None of them EVER repaid the money they stole from the citizen’s social security funds.

Which presidents stole the citizen’s Social Security money every year they were in office?

Bush #1
Bush #2

Bush #2 was actually caught with his grubby hands inside the (empty) Social Security piggy bank. He promised “to never let this happen again” and then went right on stealing every dollar of his citizen’s Social Security money to prop up his corrupt regime.

Obama (who lied every time he spoke to the American people) said he would not carry on with this sordid embezzlement and theft and then went right on spending every dollar of the collected Social Security funds every year he was in office to prop up his corrupt regime. He also “promised” to put an end to illegal government spying on American citizens. He broke that promise too.

In Obama’s time, not only was all the General Fund money stolen, but Obama managed to sell the securities, steal the money, and replace the stolen money with phony IOUs.

Where did all this money go?


. . . are all gone. 
