All spying all the time.
- 1. The NSA has installed a system they call PRISM in a sealed closet in San Francisco at AT&T. This prism splits the world’s fiber optic Internet feed in two fibers. One fewer goes on its way, to the world, as before. The other fiber optic feed goes straight to the NSA where it is recorded—all of it—24 hours of every day. They build one skyscraper after another to hold all the disk drives.
- 2. The NSA had a legal surveillance computer program called ThinThread that captured all the voice, email and text messages in the world. ThinThread kept the personal information hidden until a FISA† warrant could be obtained. The NSA corrupted the legal software by removing all the safety measures so they could avoid having to go to the FISA court and get a warrant to unlock WHO the person was that was being spied on. With the corrupted ThinThread system the NSA knew who the caller, texter or emailer was WITHOUT “bothering” to get a warrant. It was renegade, wide-open, uncontrolled spying on every American citizen. The government’s phony excuse was that illegal and uncontrolled spying was needed “to protect the people” from more fake attacks. They pointed to the three skyscrapers in New York (that the US government demolished using Super Nano Thermite explosives) and said, “See? We need round the clock illegal spying.” The US government went on to declare an unconstitutional 100 mile wide Constitution-free zone all the way around the USA. The government’s TSA rent-a-cops then proceeded to ruin air travel, also “to protect the people.”
† FISA: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978
Warrant-less spying had begun.
- 3. The NSA acquired a huge CRAY supercomputer. They named it MUSCULAR and taught it to hack all corporate network passwords world-wide. Now, no company’s information is safe from NSA spying anywhere in the world.
- 4. SKYPE chat saftware used to be safe. Then Microsoft purchased Skype and turned it into spyware.
- 5. ZOOM is notorious spyware. The company is owned by Eric Yuan.
- 6. Voice activated radios, clocks, TVs, coffee makers and refrigerators are all spying on their owners.
- 7. The RING doorbell system is “come one come all” spyware owned by Amazon. It spies and watches everything said and done in your house and around your house 24 hours a day. RING has given blanket permission to police departments everywhere to use RING to spy on free Americans any time they want to without a warrant. Your computer savvy neighbors can hack into your RING spyware and spy on you too. Another warrant-less free-for-all spying operation.
- 8. As far as I know, the only texting and video phone call software that is NOT spyware is Signal which is why it is highly recommended by the King of spying whistle blowers: Edward Snowden. Russia is so happy with Edward that they granted him full citizenship. We owe Edward a huge debt of gratitude after he risked his life to let Americans know how much spying was being committed against them because of the false flag “attack” on 911 where the US blew up three of its own buildings in New York and said another country did it. So the US is using the false “attack” to justify spyware to “protect us” from another attack by the US on its own people! Time to wake up!
- 9. Starting with WINDOWS 10, Microsoft has placed spyware deep inside the operating system where it can never be defeated or removed. Windows is spyware which records your voice, everything you view online, telephone calls you make, takes movies of you using your computer’s webcam, captures everything you type (like all your passwords), all your emails, text messages, banking information and tracks everything you purchase.
- 10. All American money now has a data thread. There are data readers in freeway overpasses that will scan your car as you drive by. If you are carrying a LOT of money you will get pulled over, searched and questioned.
- 11. The NSA has a huge fleet of drones that can read license plates from 18,000 feet above the road.
- 12. All new WiFi credit and debit cards have a chip that will gleefully hand over all your personal information to every criminal you pass by who has a cheap notebook computer with a WiFi card reader attached. Your name, credit card number, expiration date, social security number, three-digit pin number. The criminal can then print your data on any stolen magnetic stripe card (like a discarded hotel room magnetic stripe key) and then make purchases using your stolen credit card or debit card data! People report going to a concert only to have their WiFi credit card data stolen and see unauthorized purchases appear on their statements.
All WiFi credit and debit cards need to be kept in a metal box to block their WiFi Signal. If you don’t take this precaution, sooner or later it will be a pay-day for nearby criminals.
When large numbers of rich people start getting ripped off for big money, they will DEMAND that every “free” American citizen get a WiFi chip implanted next to their thumb. Think it’s not true? It has already begun.
Experts believe that when (not if—when) spy-chipping of American thumbs takes place, money will be done away with. All you are worth will be “on the chip.” If a government employee decides against you, he or she will deactivate your chip. Now you are broke and a non-person. Your car door won’t open, your car won’t start, you can’t get a room, buy a ticket or get any food. Your life ends literally at the flip of a switch!
All this because of a fake, false flag attack by the US government against its own people. The US wanted to scare citizens big time. It worked. We gave up most of our remaining rights. In a few more years the 24/7 spying on all Americans and the removal of our last remaining rights will finally be complete. If you were planning to wake up . . . NOW is the time to do so.
- 13. Apple created a nightmare product called the Air Tag. It’s a 50¢ piece sized plastic disc that a criminal can drop into your pocket or purse to stalk you. An Air Tag costs the criminal only $30 while enabling stalking, theft and rape. Gee. Thanks Apple. All the bad guy has to do is stash one of these in your pocket, purse or car and then he can follow you anywhere you go.
- 14. Thanks to Shailesh J. Mehta, featured in the FRONTLINE show titled The Card Game, we now have a toxic credit card system. With the profits rolling in from one-hundred-million credit card transactions a MINUTE taking place in the US, banks have made a billions in profits and sunk Americans into trillions of dollars of debt. The saddest stories are those where Americans took loans out on their homes, paid off their credit card debts with the money, and then went right out and ran up their credit card debt again.
No annual fee. When a card issuer features this, they never mention Stealth Pricing that goes hand in hand with it. Fees, fines, penalties and service charges is how banks take a HUGE amount of money away from from Americans.
Universal Default. An unethical system where a vendor, a plumber perhaps, reports you as a non-payer of the padded and untruthful bill you were presented. The news that you are having a dispute with a plumber leaks out and causes all your credit cards to jump to a higher percentage. In other words, if you default on one creditor, the others (via spying) will find this out and raise your rates and even lower your credit limit.
Automatic credit score reduction. If you are lucky enough to have great credit, as soon as you attempt to use your credit your credit score is lowered. When you’re trying to qualify for a home purchase, going out and pricing several new cars can destroy your credit score so much you no long can qualify for the home loan.
Use the link and watch the FRONTLINE show. You’ll be amazed at how corrupt the credit card industry is.
- 15. The Medical Establishment provides easy-as-pie spying for police, insurance companies and prospective employers. The AMA† maintains a secret tattle-tale database in which ONLY THEY can place disparaging messages about you without your permission or knowledge. Worse yet it is nearly impossible for YOU to find out what is in your AMA tattle-tale database! Police, insurance companies, banks and prospective employers can read about you easily. Only YOU are prevented from reading the disparaging messages. Messages like, “Goes against medical advice.” Even worse, if the AMA gets is hands on your DNA, it might put a damaging message like, “DNA indicates predisposition for Lou Gehrig's disease” in your data record. Now, you can no longer get new health insurance without a “pre-existing exclusion” excusing the insurer from having to cover your DNA-indicated conditions. A prospective new employer, seeing the tattle-tale warning will not hire you.
And what is the force that enables this kind of spying? Your prisoner number—your social security number. The original social security card read, “For social security purposes ONLY. NOT for identification.” The social security number has been deeply corrupted into a citizen ID that EVERYONE wants to know before they will provide you with their product or service. In Nazi Germany, the WWII prisoners had their arms BRANDED with their prisoner number. In today’s world the USA wants to “brand” its citizens with a WiFi chip next to every “free” American’s thumb. You go shopping . . . Boom! They have your SS number.You cross a border . . . Boom! They have your SS number.
Like Edward Snowden told us:
Our privacy is going away.
It’s a modern-day horror story.
That’s what it is.
- 16. The OBD (On Board Diagnostics) system of modern cars constantly spies on you and broadcasts information about your car to nearby police cruisers. If, for example, your check engine light is on, a police car can now pull you over, give you a ticket, search your car and search you because your car’s OBD has “handed” the police the “probable cause” they need to hassle you—they detected that a warning light is on!
Welcome To
All Spying All The Time
It’s actually worse than the horror that
Aldous Huxley dreamed up in his book
Brave New World