One Researcher’s Opinion

View Of 911 on 9/11/2023

911 is the most shameful power-grab the US has ever done.

All the experts agree: the "official" explanation of airplanes hitting the world trade center and causing its collapse is bullshit. There have been many high-rise fires. Not a SINGLE ONE has ever:

  • caused an entire building to collapse at free-fall speed perfectly into its own footprint. If you threw a bowling ball off the roof at the moment the collapse started, the top of the building would hit the ground at the same moment the bowling ball did. The ONLY way a free-fall could happen is if ALL the building’s steel girder vertical supports had been destroyed at the same time.
  • caused most of the building’s concrete to turn into a fine powder—like talcum powder

  • sheared off the vertical structural steel beams in the basements of all three buildings and then turned them into pools of molten metal

To read some of the findings of 230 professional architects and engineers read the article Undisputed Facts Point to the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7. Here’s a link to the whole story.

From the above link, Here’s Ed Asner’s fine movie about the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings in New York.

Still, the unintelligent stories of . . .

  • Airplanes hitting high up on the building causing explosions and molten steel in the BASEMENTS of all three buildings
  • A flimsy, hollow, aluminum airplane wing being able to carve through steel and reinforced concrete
  • Jet fuel doing something impossible: turning structural steel into pools of molten metal
  • An airplane hit ON ONE FLOOR being able to turn most of the building's reinforced concrete into a fine powder

. . . just go on and on. 

On top of that, FUBAR brainwashed reporters try to “debunk” the highly-trained architects and structural engineers by using the absurd “official” findings of the disgraced NIST  organization. 

† National Institute of Standards and Technology

It's another false flag attack where the US attacks itself and then tries to blame others. This is what Hitler did to take away his people's civil rights and to get more power. The US tried and tried to scare Americans enough for them to give up their last remaining civil rights:

  • The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City 
  • The (failed) World Trade Center basement bombing number 1
  • The USS Kole

None of these false flag attacks scared Americans enough to voluntarily give up their remaining Constitutional rights. Then came the

World Trade Center Bombing Number 2

  • This scare worked. All air travel was shut down except for special flights to take members of the bin Laden family back home.
    we read:
    “Just days after 9/11, wealthy Saudi Arabians, including members of the bin Laden family, were whisked out of the U.S. on private jets. No one will admit to clearing the flights, and
    the passengers weren’t questioned. Did the Bush family’s long relationship with the Saudis help make it happen?”
  • On 9/11, the US air traffic control system and the Air Force automatic hijacking fighter jet response was shut down so that the government could run an exercise on what would happen if terrorists stole airplanes and used them to attack buildings in New York. As the flight controllers watched the flights go wildly off course, they asked each other, over and over, “Is this real or is this part of the exercise?”

    Isn’t that just amazing? A federal hijacking exercise being carried out on the very same morning as an identical real hijacking was taking place.
  • The hijacked planes, each with an oddly small passenger list (all FBI agents, perhaps?) were exchanged in mid-flight with remote-piloted planes. This is a military maneuver where one plane dives and turns OFF its radar transponder as the remote-controlled plane overtakes it and turns ON its radar transponder. To air traffic controllers, it seemed like the original plane just continued on its original course. In fact, the original plane snuck away and landed in a secret location with its very few hand-picked passengers sworn to life-long secrecy. The reason no hats, shoes, gloves, clothes or suitcases were found at the three “crash sites,” was because there weren’t any on the three, empty, remote-controlled planes.

    This is why there have not been hundreds and hundreds of grieving family members going on record about their family members who “died” on the flights.
  • This horror scared Americans into giving up their remaining Constitutional rights. We also got unconstitutional nonsense laws like the “Constitution-Free Zone” that surrounds the US, Alaska and Hawaii. In this zone you have NO Constitutional rights at all. The feds suddenly declaring that the Constitution has been suspended in a 100 mile swath all around the border of the United States, Alaska and Hawaii . . .

  • Witnesses say that just before the airplane hit there were huge explosions in the basements. Explosions so powerful that people were knocked off their feet. Also, there is video showing the building exploded BEFORE the airplane hit. The airplanes were a cover for the controlled demolition.
  • Expert witnesses (firemen on site) describe a cascade of explosions coming down the buildings floor by floor by floor. The firemen describe it by holding their hand flat and step by step lowering their hand while saying, “Boom boom boom boom boom.” No airplane in the world can cause floor-by-floor explosions to travel down a building!
  • The world trade center was shut down for THREE DAYS (by Bush’s cousin—the traitor who was in charge of World Trade Center security) just before it was demolished by the super nano thermite explosions.

    When the buildings were shut down all the cameras and microphones were shut off. Nobody could see or hear the super nano thermite charges being planted.
  • The day before 9/11 Rumsfeld went on TV to announce that TRILLIONS of military budget money had "gone missing." Uh-huh.
  • Burning jet fuel can not melt structural steel. Molten steel poured out of the buildings in several places. Huge pools of molten steel were found in all three basements where the support beams had been severed and then melted. An airplane hit high up on the building melted steel in the basements? Un-huh.
  • In the dust investigators found lots of military grade super nano thermite—evidence that THIS is what destroyed the buildings and melted the steel supports in the basements turning the support beams into huge pools of molten steel.

  • The firemen who responded 
    • breathed in the poison powder
    • got sick
    • lost their jobs
    • lost their health insurance and 
    • were set to become bankrupted and homeless until Michael Moore took a bunch of them in tiny boats to Cuba where health care is free.

      The Cuban firemen dressed in parade formalwear and cried when they saw the abandoned, heroic AND sickened US firemen.
  • TV journalists from the UK announced the demolition of Building 7 TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE IT ACTUALLY FELL AT FREE-FALL SPEED INTO ITS OWN FOOTPRINT—JUST THE WAY TOWERS 1 AND 2 DID—THE SIGN OF A PERFECT DEMOLITION. See Building 7 over her right shoulder?

  • To this day the Investigate 911 marchers still carry banners that read, "why did Building 7 fall?" “Nothing hit Building 7; what made it collapse?”
  • The Investigate 911 marchers also ask, “Why was the demolition of Building 7 COMPLETELY LEFT OUT OF THE ‘OFFICIAL’ REPORT?” Did it “slip their minds” that Building 7 was also demolished? Talk about a CONSPIRACY! They conspired to just not mention the demolished Building 7. It’s an outrage!

    The horrible truth is that to make the “official” report unanimous, any evidence that caused a disagreement WAS SIMPLY LEFT OUT OF THE REPORT ALTOGETHER!

  • All the sheared-off support girders and all the melted steel was instantly trucked to pre-arranged, waiting freighters so the steel evidence could be immediately shipped to China to be melted down, destroying yet more evidence of the crimes.

    Removing and melting down crime scene evidence is a felony. How many went to jail? Not one.

    Zero 911 plotters, assassins and criminals went to jail.

  • There was NO AIRPLANE WRECKAGE FOUND AT THE SHANKSVILLE ”CRASH SITE.” There was NO KEROSINE FOUND IN THE GROUND OR IN THE WATER TABLE. When the NTSB experts arrived they searched the area but could find no airplane wreckage. None. A US Geological Survey shows the long groove in the ground was present in 1994!

    For 911, a small round bomb crater was added. No plane. No debris. Nothing.

    This is what a REAL airplane crash site looks like.

  • Just like at the Pentagon, there were no suitcases, shoes, hats, coats, pants, glasses, wallets or any other sign of human passengers at the Shanksville site. NOTHING! 
  • Three airplane crashes (not counting the cruise missile that made the tiny 14-foot hole in the side of the Pentagon) BUT NOT ONE BLACK BOX FLIGHT RECORDER WAS EVER FOUND?
  • Within seconds, heavy equipment showed up in front of the Pentagon to BURY THE CELLULOSE (VANISHING) MISSLE EVIDENCE UNDER TONS OF GRAVEL. Hiding crime scene evidence is a felony. How many went to jail? Not one.
  • There's a video showing a slender cruise missile making the tiny FOURTEEN FOOT DIAMETER HOLE IN THE PENTAGON. There was no damage from the wings of an airplane and no airplane wreckage (until some was trucked in and planted later). No fire from thousands of pounds of spilled jet fuel. An undamaged telephone book was seen through a hole in an office wall. Unruffled. Unburnt.

  • This is the only “video” I can still find on Youtube. In it you can see the tiny (Cruise?) missile come in from the right and hit the Pentagon. It is definitely NOT a big airliner. Perhaps this was a cellulose (paper) missile that leaves no trace of itself after it explodes.

Here is a video made by an American who woke up, saying the “official” haze and hypnosis of 911 is finally wearing off. People should now come to their senses and figure things out for themselves. Remember Condoleezza Rice and her promise (on TV) to show the American people the “weapons of mass destruction?” It was an empty promise. Never happened. Just another government hoax in a long list of evil hoaxes. Time to wake up!

Bush followed in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler. Hitler blew up his own government buildings in order to scare the Germans into giving him more power and giving up their rights as Germans. The Germans were scared plenty and gave their government lots of power that was corrupted into an evil dictatorship.

Most of the documentation that I found (in 2001) on Youtube has been since removed to protect the absurd “official” story. It’s censorship—hiding of the truth. The feds attempted to hide the truth about Edward Snowden who blew the whistle on the federals using the false 911 terrorist story as an excuse to start spying on Americans 24/7. The feds attempted to hide the truth about Dr. Judy Mikovitz who blew the whistle on the money-hungry designers and vaccine patent-holders of the Covid Plandemic.

History repeats itself. Since the feds “took over” and dumbed-down education in 1945, how many Americans are left who are smart enough to see through the smoke and mirrors to the true horror of what the American government has done to its people?


A government that . . .

  • kills large numbers of its people in order to frighten those who remain and gain more power over them
  • fakes a false-flag attack by another country as our own government destroys buildings and lives in New York in order to impose wholesale spying over all its people to “protect them” from more (fake) attacks
  • uses multiple false-flag attacks to impose 24 hour a day spying on email, text messages, telephone calls, Internet use, credit card use, banking transactions, vehicle location tracking, currency tracking and face recognition. All spying all the time.
  • arrests demonstrators using armed men in black with no name, badge or insignia, throws these prisoners into unmarked vans and takes them to unmarked locations
  • uses false-flag attacks as an excuse to impose a 100 mile Constitution-free zone completely around the country where there was none before the fake attacks
  • appoints a US Postmaster to ruin the US Postal Service by removing thousands of street-corner mail boxes and high-speed mail handling machines in an attempt to stall mail-in ballots to change the outcome of an election
  • has a leader who, in an effort to remain in power, incites a large group to attack the Capitol, break in, and cause injuries and deaths
  • passes laws to restrict voting rights in an effort to prevent people from voting

. . . is engaging in tyranny.

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”—Thomas Jefferson

First 911 Then The Anthrax Scare

Within days of 911 people in government began receiving letters containing weaponized Anthrax. The Anthrax was weaponized so that it was in the form of a fine powder that would waft through a room on any motion of the air.

After a careful investigation, the FBI discovered that the Anthrax came from USAMRIID (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases—a germ warfare lab.

The Anthrax was made in the US, put into envelopes with a coded horror message and sent through the US Mail. The point was made: the person sending the Anthrax letters could kill ANYONE by sending them a letter through the US Mail. This brought the governmental horror of the 911 hoax home to every American. This made every American afraid for their lives.

It seems to me that our government, after 

  • professionally demolishing three skyscrapers in New York (three, not two—don’t forget Building 7 was professionally demolished too)
  • pretending to crash an airplane in Shanksville, PA where absolutely no airplane wreckage was found)
  • and hitting the Pentagon with a tiny missile that only left a tiny 14 foot diameter hole—NOT the scar that a huge airliner fully loaded with fuel would have caused

our government felt that dumbed-down Americans would not be frightened enough to give up all their remaining rights and give the OK for our government to spy on everything every American does 24 a day. After all, these events happened far away from most Americans. The president and his “administration” thought that something as close as possible to home was needed to scare every American into giving up the last of their rights. 

What could be better than killing people with letters containing weaponized USAMRIID Anthrax dust? ANY American could receive such a letter! Maybe this threat would scare Americans enough?

The treasonous plotters in Washington who murdered thousands of Americans in New York and five more using Anthrax must have been pleased with the result.

As a result of the combined 911 and Anthrax disasters, Americans finally gave the government what it wanted. Americans gave up the last of their freedoms and accepted having their words, images and whereabouts recorded 24 hours a day, every day. 

  • An illegal, unConstitutional 100 mile wide No Constitution Zone placed entirely around the US, Alaska and Hawaii. Inside the zone you have NO Constitutional rights at all. This is the very height of unConstitutionality. The politicians who OK’d the No Constitution Zone had all taken an oath to “preserve and protect the Constitution.” Imposing a No Constitution zone is, therefore, TREASON.
  • After the very first school shooting, failure to place doorway metal detectors at every school, not providing armed guards at every school building and not providing simple panic button lanyards to every teacher that alert the armed guard in their building. Every schoolchild killed after the first one is the fault of the corrupt establishment.
  • Groping of your genitals by airport “security” when you attempt to board a commercial flight
  • Being face recognized and recorded when you walk around downtown
  • Having your car’s license plates recognized and recorded when you drive downtown
  • Every word of every phone call you make recorded
  • Every text message you send recorded
  • Every time you deposit any cash recorded
  • Every time you make a purchase recorded

Remember that the Constitutionally allows for “peaceable assembly for a redress of grievances?” When Americans demonstrated for a return of equality, Americans were 

  • handcuffed by Men In Black who 
  • wore no insignia or name badges, 
  • placed Americans into unmarked black vans and 
  • took Americans to unmarked locations where they were 
  • illegally held prisoner without charges or a trial.

Pardon me.
This is NOT the America I dreamed about when I was young. Tyranny is not what I want as a grownup. 

We’ve lost our country to 

  • evil people in leadership positions,  
  • tyrants, 
  • a greedy banking cartel 
  • corporations
  • lobbyists and 
  • a bunch of control freaks.

They’re still at it! The latest puzzle piece is to make bank deposits using cash illegal, forcing the payee and payor to provide thorough identification. So even even that freedom has been removed.

And finally, even though the Georgia Guidestones have been demolished, the edict of the dreadful Bilderberg organization still stands:

Kill 7 billion 500 million
of the Earth’s human population
to “leave room for nature.”

Airbor n Ebola didn’t work
The Covid Plandemic didn’t work
The nation-wide Anthrax attack never came about
Millions of coffins are stacked up and ready for use in the US
The 1.6 billion rounds of
FEMA hollow point bullets are ready
The US concentration camps are ready
The white UN shackle (prisoner transport) trains are ready, each with a guillotine

What’s left to be done?

Are we duplicating a Nazi take-over with new Hitlers?

Pardon me again.
Does it strike anyone else as ominous that the Bilderbergs want 7 billion 500 million people eliminated and FEMA (department of homeland security) ordered 1 billion 600 million rounds of hollow point bullets—bullets designed for only one thing—killing people?
